18 July, 2012

Taeyeon’s 100Q 100A

  1. 이름 —>  [金太軟]
    Name —> Kim Tae Yeon
  1. 나이 —>  이번에 17살이요 ㅋ고딩 _
    Age —> I turned 17 
    high schooler_ {Korean age}

  2. 생년월일 —>  1989.3.9
    Birthday —> 1989 March 9th
  3. ??? {Missing}
  4. 출신학교 —>  양지중
    School —> Yanggi Middle School
    {Pronounced “Yang Ji”, website: www.yanggi.ms.kr}
  5. —>  아직난 크고있다
    Height —> I’m still growing…
  6. 혈액형 —>  혈액형.. 아직도 혈액형을 몰라요ㅠ AB형아님 O형ㅋ
    Blood type —> Blood type.. I still don’t know my blood type
    Maybe AB or O
  7. 종교 —>  무교 ( 유혹하지마셈 ~ ~)
    Religion —> No religion (don’t tempt me ~
    ~){No religion does not mean atheist. Atheist is the belief that there is not, cannot be a god. No religion is just haven’t decided.}
  8. 취미 —>  생각하기..흥얼거리기.. 열었다닫았다하기.. 문자보내기, 문자씹기ㅋㅋ
    Hobbies —> thinking.. humming.. opening my phone and closing it again.. sending text messages, not replying to text messages
    {The word for humming can also include gibberish sing-along to songs}
  9. 성격 —>  겁이없구, 특이한걸좋아한답니다 ~
    Personality —> Fearless, and likes peculiar things ~

    {Peculiar in this case is because of difference, not from weirdness}
  10. 하루중 가장 행복할 —>  자려고 누웠을 ㄸㅐㅎㅎ 밤에 혼자있는시간..
    Time of day when you’re happiest —> When I lie down to sleep hehe alone time at night..
  11. 현재 가장 불만 —>  머리카락이 멈췄다-_- 싸이도토리가 없다..
    Biggest current complaint —> My hair has stopped-_- I have no Cyworld Acorns..
    {Cyworld Acorns are like online currency, points}
  12. 잘때 입고자는것 —>  긴팔 절대안입음ㅋ 얇은옷입구자요^ ^ 
    Clothes worn while sleeping —> Never long-sleeved
    I sleep wearing thin clothing^^
  13. 좋아하는 이성 헤어 스타일 —>  머리 별루 -- ~~ 깔끔한 스타일좋아욤
    Hair style you like on a guy —>  I don’t really like long hair -
    - ~~  I like a tidy style.
  14. 이상형 —>  적극적인사람, 웃을때이쁜사람, 유머있는사람, 스킨쉽잘하는사람ㆀ
    Ideal type —> Someone who is forward, looks good when laughing, has a sense of humour and likes giving skinship

    {‘Forward’ can be seen as positive, not necessarily optimistic but someone who is pro-active and is a go-getter}

  15. 습관 —>  ~ , 가끔잠꼬대, 핸드폰열었다닫았다하기, 인상쓰기, 눈마주치면 인사하려고함ㅋ
    Habits —> Mung {Spacing out}, opening my phone and closing it again, frowning, trying to greet everybody I make eye-contact with

  16. 좋아하는 과일 —>  , 사과, 딸기, 토마토
    Favourite fruit —> Tangerine, apple, strawberry, tomato
  17. 좋아하는 채소 —>  채소 ㄷㅏ 좋아해요^^
    Favourite vegetable —> I like a l l vegetables ^^
  18. 잘생겼다고 생각하는 남자 연예인 —>  김동완, my, 지성, 노홍철
    Male celebrity who is handsome —> Kim Dongwan, my, Jisung, Noh Hongchul
  19. 예쁘다고 생각하는 여자 연예인 —>  한가인.. 김태희..
    Female celebrity who is pretty —> Han Gain.. Kim Taehee..
  20. 아끼는 물건 —>  핸드폰, 머가있드라 ~~
    Item I treasure —> My phone, and what else was there ~
  21. 좋아하는 숫자 —>  3 .6. 9
    Favourite number —> 3 .6. 9
    {It’s possible that she selected these numbers from the Korean parlour game called 3-6-9}

  22. 나의 고민 —>  숙소에 컴터가없다.. ㅋㅋ
    Current worries —> There’s no computer in the dorm..
  23. 나의 단점 —>  소심할 때가 있다ㅠㅠ 안좋은 추억을 잊지 못한다ㅠㅠ
    My weakness —> Sometimes I can be timid
    ㅠㅠ I can’t forget bad experiences easily ㅠㅠ
  24. 지금의 기분 —>  희한하네~
    How you feel now —> Peculiar~
  25. 지금 하고 싶은 —>  졸업앨범보기
    Something you want to do now —> Look at my graduation album

    {Graduation yearbook}
  26. 조아하는애 —>  아직 좋아해본사람 없습니다
    Someone I like —> I’ve never had anyone I like yet

  27. 좋아하는 음식 —>  한식
    Favourite food —> Korean food
  28. 싫어하는 음식 —>  솔직히 못먹는 음식없음 ㅋㅋ
    Food I hate —> There’s honestly no food I can’t eat
  29. 발싸이즈 —>  250 ‘──’;;
    Shoe size —> 250mm
    {Korean 250 is 250mm, USA 7, UK 6, EU 39}
  30. 주량 —>  잘모르겠구.. 부모님께 배우는중 ^ ^
    How much alcohol can you drink —> I don’t really know.. I’m still learning from my parents ^^
    {It is a tradition for kids to learn “how to drink” from their parents, so that they don’t learn any bad drinking habits. Also since there are responsible adults present, they can be stopped from drinking too much. Korea typically measures how much someone can drink by the number of bottles of soju they can drink}
  31. 담배 —>  세상에서 싫음. [아버지ㅠㅠ 제발 끊어주셈♥]
    Do you smoke? —> The thing I hate the most [fatherㅠㅠ please quit
    ]{Although she uses ‘father’, her sentence is not strictly formal}
  32. 슬프게 영화 —>  말아톤ㅠ_꼭보셈 [개인적으로 공포영화조아함♥]
    Movie that made you sad —> Marathon ㅠ_ㅠ
    watch it [personally like horror movies ♥]
  33. 어린시절 —>  화려한싱글
    Dream when younger —> Glamorous single
  34. 좌우명 —>  후회할 행동은 하지말자.. [but..항상해왔음 -_-]
    Favourite quote —> Don’t do anything you will regret.. [but.. I always have done -_-]
  35. 수면시간 —>  7시간 --
    Typical sleeping time —> 7 hours

  36. 장래희망 —>  라이브 ㅎㅏ는 가수
    Future dreams —> To be a singer who can sing well live

  37. 자신이 웃는 편이라고 생각하나? —>  웃음 너무많아서 한번터지면 끝없음..
    Are you the type to smile often? —> I laugh so much that once I start, there’s no end..
    {The word for laughter can be used for smiling or grinning. There is another specific word for smile.}

  38. 만드는 요리 —>  오므라이스!! [라면도 못끓임 -▽- ㅋㅋ]
    Something you can cook well —> Omurice!! [I can’t even cook ramyun
    -▽- ㅋㅋ]

  39. 현재 사는곳 —>  우리 숙소 ~♡
    Where do you live currently —> Our dorm

  40. 기억에 남는 추억 —>  2004 모든일..
    Experience that remains in your memory —> Everything from 2004..
  41. 자주 쓰는말 —>  막이래ㅋ 배고프다ㅠ 요러구있네~ 죽고싶으셈?! 뭬야~?! 아닙니다~
    Things you say all the time —> All like this ㅋ, I’m hungryㅠ, So they’re doing that then~, Wanna die?!, Whaaat~?! Incorrect~
    {Basically impossible to explain the tone and vocabulary choice in writing…}

  42. 외박 경험 —>  우리집은 무섭습니다.. 카메라두 있다구욤 ^
    Experience of spending a night away from home —> Our house is scary.. we even have cameras
    {The wording is like “We even have cameras, I’m telling you!”. The camera may refer to CCTV}

  43. 첫키스 —>  절대 해보지 않았음.
    First kiss —> Definitely haven’t done it
  44. 했다면 어디서? —>  안해봤구염 ㅋㅋ
    Where? —> I said I haven’t done it ㅋㅋ
  45. 이성을 볼때 어디부터 보나 —>  눈빛 ㅋㅋ 때그때 달라욤
    What do you look at first in a guy —> The look in their eye ㅋㅋ It changes from time to time.
  46. 애인이 생긴다면? —>  글쎄요.. 아직 경험이없어서‘─’; 사랑해줘야죠^^ 
    When you get a lover —> Well… I don’t have experience yet
    ‘─’; I should love them^^

  47. 내가 만약 삼각관계에 있다면 —>  삼각관계 같은거 싫은데ㅠ ㅋㅋ
    If you were in a love triangle —> I don’t like things like love triangles ㅋㅋ
  48. 사랑하는 이가 배신을 한다면? —>  언젠가는 복수.. 홍홍홍~
    If someone who love betrayed you —> I would get my revenge some day.. hohoho~
  49. 사랑하는 이에게 주고 —>  믿음
    What you want to give the person you love —> Trust
    {Same word as belief, faith}

  50. 학교에서 주로 하는 —>  요즘은 수다떨기ㅋㅋ 가만히 앉아서 생각하기
    What you normally do in class —> Recently, gossipping ㅋㅋ sitting still and thinking
  51. 좋아하는 —>  보라색꽃 [이름모름ㅠ]
    Favourite flower —> purple flower [I don’t know its name ㅠ]
  52. 좋아하는 노래 —>  노래라면 무조건
    Favourite song —> If it’s a song, I like it

  53. 좋아하는 —>  파란색, 보라색
    Favourite colour —> Blue, purple
  54. 결혼 상대의 나이차는 —>  연하는 이뻐해줄 자신이없습니다.. 그냥 적당히.
    Age difference between spouse —> I’m not confident of taking care of someone younger.. just a reasonable age difference.
    {‘Age difference’ in the final sentence is implied}

  55. 한가할때 무엇을 하나 —>  생각하기, 음악듣기,
    What you do in your free time —> Thinking, listening to music,
  56. 첫사랑 —>  다들 안믿더군요-- 아직 첫사랑이없습니다.
    First love —> Nobody seems to believe in it -ㅠ- I don’t have a first love yet.
  57. 100만원이 생긴다면? —>  일단 통장으로 홍홍홍
    If you got 1 million won? —> First, put it into the bank hehehe ㅋ
  58. 재미있게 드라마? —>  드라마 안보고살아욤
    Dramas you enjoyed? —> I live without watching dramas
  59. 재미있게 영화? —>  최근에는 네셔널트레져 [짱짱>_< ]
    Movies you enjoyed? —> Recently, National Treasure [jjang jjang >_< ]
  60. 시력 —>  김봉사
    Eyesight —> Blind Kim
    {봉사 is ‘blind person’}

  61. 스트레스 해소법 —>  생각하기.. 음악듣기, 돌아다니기
    How you de-stress —> Thinking.. listening to music, wandering around
  62. 배워보고 싶은 —>  사교성 ~
    What you want to learn —> Social skills ~

  63. 해보고 싶은 —>  데뷔 라는걸 해보고싶습니당
    Something you want to do —> I want to try doing that thing called “debut”

  64. 애인이 시한부 인생이라면? —>  슬프겠지.. 무지하게 _
    If your lover was terminally ill? —> It would be tragic.. incredibly ㅠ_ㅠ
  65. 자신이 싫다고 느껴질 —>  배부르게 먹었을 때ㅋㅋ
    When do you hate yourself —> When I eat so much I am full ㅋㅋ
  66. 결혼 성관계에 대해서 —>  이건뭡니까
    Thoughts on pre-marital sex —> What is this?
    {‘What is this’ can be seen as either ‘What is pre-marital sex’ or ‘What kind of question is this’}

  67. 생활 신조 —>  항상 신중하자!
    Life motto —> Always be careful!
    {Careful not as in “watch out” but take caution and be prudent.}

  68. 좋아하는 날씨 —>  구름끼고 바람불고 비오는 날씨
    Favourite weather —> Weather that is cloudy, windy, rainy.
  69. 하루중 TV시간 —>  4시간?! ㅎㅎ
    How much TV you watch a day —> 4 hours?! ㅎㅎ
  70. 소중한 친구는? —>  두명
    Precious friends? —> Just… two
  71. 산다는 것은? —>  목표를 세우고.. 뜻을 이루는 --;;
    To love is to? —> Make targets.. and achieve aims
    {‘Achieve aims’ can be ‘realise intentions’ or ‘fulfill intentions’}

  72. 좋아하는 음료수 —>  포카리스웨트검은콩두유
    Favourite drink —> Pocari sweat
    ▽ black soya milk
  73. ????

  74. 좋아하는 과자? —>  썬칩칸쵸 검은깨맛
    Favourite snack? —> Sun Chips
    ▽ Black sesame-flavour kkancho
  75. 애인이랑 깨지면 어딜 가겠는가? —>  최대한 조용한곳. 사람 별로 없는곳ㅠㅠ
    Where would you go if you broke up with a lover —> Somewhere as quiet as possible, somewhere with not many people ㅠㅠ
  76. 존경하는 선생님 —>  6학년, 선생님빼고 ㄷㅏ~
    Teacher you respect —> Everyone~ except the elementary year 6, middle school year 3 teachers
    {Homeroom teachers are implied}

  77. 가족소개 —>  ,아빠,엄마,오빠,여동생,여똥개
    Family members —> ,Dad,Mom,older brother,younger sister,female mutt
  78. 행복이란 —>  자기가 만족할 있는
    Happiness is? —> Something that can satisfy you

  79. 생일선물 가장 기억에 남는거 —>  2004 3 4일날 추카전화
    Most memorable birthday present —> Congratulatory phone call on March 4th 2004

  80. 좋아하는 동물 —>  강아지, 고양이, 호랑이
    Favourite animal —> Puppies, kittens, tigers
    {Korean has a word for ‘puppy’ but not ‘kitten’, only ‘cat’. So the assumption has been made that if she said ‘puppy’ as opposed to ‘dog’, that she also meant ‘kitten’ not ‘cat’}
  81. 좋아하는 식물 —>  선인장 -▽- ㅋㅋ
    Favourite plant —> Cactus
  82. 좋아하는 계절 —>  겨울~
    Favourite season —> Winter~
  83. 동성애에 대해서 —>  둘이 좋다는데 어쩌란말인가 홍홍~Opinion on same-gender love? *..*..*━☞ If those two say that they like each other, what can you do? ㅠ▽ㅠ  honghong~
    {Fuller explanation here: http://oniontaker.com/post/26170090371/does-taeyeon-support-gay-marriage#axzz1zPyTbKND }

  84. 사랑과 우정중 선택하라면? —>  아직 난사랑해본적없다.. 우정
    Choose between love and friendship —> I haven’t experienced love before.. friendship

  85. 내일 지구가 멸망한다면 —>  잔다..
    If the world was to end tomorrow —> Sleep..
  86. 노래솜씨 —>  느끼하지 않은정도…?!ㅋㅋ
    Singing ability —> Enough not to be greasy…?!ㅋㅋ
    {Greasy, as in creepy}

  87. 춤솜씨 —>  어색하지 않은정도…?! ㅋㅋ
    Dancing ability —> Enough not to be awkward…?!ㅋㅋ
  88. 애창곡 —>  그때그때달라요~
    Favourite song to sing —> It changes from time to time~
  89. 인간관계에 필요하다고 생각하는 —>  믿음!
    What is essential to human relationships? —> Trust!
  90. 좋아하는 과목 —>  과학, 영어, 국어, 체육
    Favourite subject —> Science, English, Language, Sports
  91. 여자연상 ,남자연하에 대해서 —>  연하보다는 연상이 ^ ^♡
    Thoughts on older woman/younger man relationships —> Older more than younger
    ^ ^♡
    {From the structure of her answer, “I prefer” or “I like” is implied at the beginning of the sentence.}

  92. 내가 내일죽는다면 —>  유서를 쓰겠다 아주길게
    If I were to die tomorrow.. —> I would write a testament. A really long one ㅋ
  93. 결혼은 언제쯤.. —>  아마 안할꺼같은데
    When will you get married..? —> I may never get married…
    {She uses the word “not get married” as opposed to “can’t get married”, implying it’s a choice. She is a little hesitant in her tone.}

  94. 20년후 자신의 모습 —>  과거를 회상하며 생각하고있을
    How do you see yourself in 20 years’ time —> Probably reminiscing about the past ㅋ
  95. 가보고 싶은 나라 —>  일본, 영국. 특히 영국은 가보고싶프셈 ㅠㅠ~ 해리가 기다리고있을꺼야..
    Countries you want to visit —> Japan, England. I definitely especially want to go to England ㅠㅠ~ Harry will be waiting for me..
    {Harry = Harry Potter}

  96. E-MAIL —>  이메일 안해요 ^ ^
    E-MAIL —> I don’t use e-mail ^^
  97. 이것을 읽는 분께 하고 싶은말 —>  저에 대해 많이 ㅇㅏ셨나요?! ^ ^
    Say something to someone reading this —> Did you learn a l o t about me?! ^^
  98. 고칠점이 있다면 —>  게으른거 ㅠㅠ
    Any self-improvement points —> Laziness ㅠㅠ
  99. 마지막한마디 —>  사람은 첫인상으로 판단하는게 아니랍니다 ^^*
    Final comments —> They say you should never judge someone by first impressions

Source: http://oniontaker.com/post/26446094885/taeyeons-100q-100a#ixzz20wAtMMyz

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