07 November, 2012

[TRANS] 121102 TTS Love in Asia + 121103 MUCORE FANACCOUNT

[TRANS] 121102 TTS Love in Asia + 121103 MUCORE FANACCOUNT http://bit.ly/U8Ll57

121102 TTS Love in Asia 

1. After the grueling first half of recording, the cleared out the panel's spots because the girls were coming out. That they were going to perform. The girls came out while it was very quiet.. I wanted to scream because it was so nice seeing them, but I was [sitting] embarrassingly close, and it was also quiet. The girls got on stage embarrassed, too, and prepared for the performance.
2. While recording their performance, the staff suggested they do it once, see if there are any problems, and do it again, but the girls said it was okay and that one go was fine.
3. Before starting, Tiffany told herself, 'This is Music Bank, Music Bank'. I think it was awkward for them because the setting wasn't familiar.
4. During the first recording, it was awkward and quiet to the point where the fans couldn't yell or do the fan chants. The older women in the audience started clapping to a steady beat, and the fans ended up not being able to do the fan chants and just clapped with them. We only clapped to the beat until the song ended… The girls must have thought that was funny because they kept laughing.
5. The MR was low (the sound) throughout.. The mic volume was low, too.. It was pretty much just raw.. (raw, as in it was like they were singing without mics)
6. After they were done recording once, the staff said they do it once more.. Tiffany asked if they could turn up the studio volume more then. The staff turned up the volume to the highest, but it was still really low.. The sound was about 1/10 of regular music program studios… Tiffany asked, "Is this the best?", and when the staff said it is, she said, "I~ got it."
7. Taeyeon asked, "Could you hear us well?" Saying, 'It was completely raw/live!' Asking if we could hear the music at all. Then, Tiffany said to Taeyeon, "Hey, I could only hear you guys' breathing!"
8. Before the second recording, Tiffany asked, "This isn't a hidden camera is it?"
9. Taeyeon commented about why it's so quiet again.
10. During the second recording, we yelled and cheered. All the staff and audience members marveled at us.
11. The girls kept laughing because it was so funny. It was a funnier situation yelling and cheering (compared to just clapping during the first recording)… While going to the back after singing her part, Taeyeon mouthed, 'Thank you', to us.
12. Even after their performance ended, they kept saying 'thank you' to the fans. Taeyeon said, "Thank you, SONE's the best!" She said thank you for yelling/cheering.
13. After the performance was done, while preparing for the talk portion, they kept laughing while talking with their managers. Taeyeon said, "It's so funny!" and looked to the fans and said we're the best.
14. When they were getting ready to sit, the manager got them blankets. Tiffany and Taeyeon's were like blankets, but Seohyun's was almost like a comforter. They laughed again because of that.
15. There wasn't any special content during the talk portion. Because it was a dual broadcast, there were delays and translations so it took some time. It must have been funny seeing the monitor showing them still talking even when they were actually done because they kept laughing at it.
16. The three did their greetings and greeted their Vietnamese fans in real-time… They said they would be taking questions from the fans, but the translation couldn't be heard in the studio (only the guests were listening through in-ears), so I'm not sure what the question was. The first was asked by a male fan, and he said he was going to ask three things. The first was 'do you have a boyfriend?' (this question was asked again by the announcer), and she said 'no'. The second questions was 'what is your ideal type?' (this was asked by the announcer, too..), and her reply was 'someone I can communicate well with', and at the third question, Tiffany said, "I won't permit this question. No." I don't know what the question was, but it seems it was one that Tiffany couldn't allow.
17. A fan who speaks Korean well asked the next question, which was, "Unnies, how are you so pretty?" The girls burst out laughing and laughed for a while. They complimented her saying she speaks Korean really well.. Their reply was just a normal answer, saying to eat and sleep well.
18. When asked when they would visit Vietnam, they said they'll be going soon. Tiffany didn't know what the broadcast station was for the Vietnam-Hallyu concert, and asked, "Can I say it?" But Taeyeon said it was a different station.
19. They were asked to say their goodbyes to the Vietnamese fans.. They said that it's been about 3 years since they've last been to Vietnam, and to wait a little because they will be going again.. Their answers were all similar.. They said that the last time they visited, it was their first visit, so they were worried as to whether they'd know who they are. And they said they were thankful that many people liked them. They said it's been 3 years since they've last visited, and that they'd be meeting again soon, but with other artists this time. They also said short goodbyes in Vietnamese.
20. When they were leaving after the short recording, Seohyun got up too quickly, so the in-ear receiver or translator? fell to the ground, and the battery fell out and rolled away. She said, 'Aigoo', squatted down, and picked it all up.
21. While exiting, they looked back at the fans and said their goodbyes one more time and left while laughing.


1. When we entered, they were doing stage rehearsals, and when the girls were going to do their lines after watching the stage, they saw fans coming in and greeted us.

2. After they were done with their lines, they came back and greeted all the fans while the stage rehearsals were going on.
3. Tiffany said, "Who came yesterday!" talking about Love in Asia. Saying yesterday was no joke. She asked, "It was embarrassing yesterday, right?" From behind, Taeyeon said, "[It was] completely raw/live, live!" When the writer unnie and other staff members asked what they were talking about, Tiffany and Seohyun explained what happened yesterday and were laughing. Tiffany said, "I really won't be able to forget it!" Taeyeon imitated how the fans clapped like regular audience members yesterday. (clap) I (clap) like (clap) you (clap) who (clap) shines!! (idk how the lyrics usually translate to so my bad on that) Seohyun said, "The ad-libs were even more embarrassing!" Saying it was really embarrassing. Taeyeon said that she was thankful that the fans still cheered during the second time. But Tiffany said that was embarrassing, too. They said their singing was almost raw, saying it was like they were singing right here (where they were talking to staff/off-stage without mics), and Tiffany sang her part in the intro of 'Twinkle'.
4. During rehearsals, the manager was giving Taeyeon makeup(?), but it fell on the floor and splashed. Taeyeon looked at the manager from the corner of her eyes, and Seohyun sighed and scolded the manager.
5. Taeyeon must have been in a good mood today because she came in a bouncy when they were coming in for the live broadcast. And she kept dancing today.
6. Before the broadcast started, a CF for Ne Ne Chicken came on, and the girls burst out laughing. They laughed even more when Yoo Jaesuk came on.
7. Taeyeon asked, "Is it cold outside?" and half said it was, while the other half said it's not. When they said it wasn't cold, she got surprised and said to take it [their jackets and such] off. Tiffany said she's cold, and that her knees hurt. Taeyeon said to be careful not to get sick.
8. Before they did their first lines, they did 'right now is Girls' Generation!', but they put their hands down as if they were doing 'hwaiting', but Seohyun coyly moved her hand up. The unnies teased her, and Tiffany imitated her.
9. During their first lines, Taeyeon's original line was, “Should we try opening the door powerfully?”, but she said, “How should we, how should we try opening it? The door?”, and Tiffany was dumbfounded for a moment. They laughed a lot when they came back, and Tiffany teased Taeyeon for getting it wrong.
10. Taeyeon kept shrugging her shoulders (to the beat) while listening to Wonder Boyz's song.
11. When Stephanie came out, the three focused their eyes/attention on the stage. Tiffany yelled, cheering her on. When the performance was about to end, Taeyeon looked at the fans and said, “Bokyung (Stephanie's Korean name) unnie made up our fan dance (from the MBC Christmas Fairy Tale special).”
12. When introducing MR.MR, Tiffany messed up so her audio overlapped with Seohyun's, so Taeyeon burst out laughing. When they were walking back, Seohyun told the fans that Tiffany messed up.
13. At first, Seohyun was wearing heels, but after their first lines, the coordi unnie brought flat shoes for her to switch into. It was really cute when she was switching her shoes.. She took the heels off and put the flats on really calmly, and when her heel didn't fit into the shoe right, she used her index finger to place in the back to slip her foot in.
14. Seohyun followed along to the dance for I think Big Star. The one where each of them do really powerful dances. She did that dance, and Taeyeon and Tiffany laughed together.
15. Taeyeon asked, “Did you watch 'Flower Power'?” Seohyun also asked if we watched 'Flower Power' by writing it in the air. They asked what we think of it, and they whispered amongst themselves. Tiffany frowned saying the dance is hard, and she said she forgot it already. Seohyun and Taeyeon started doing the beginning choreography where they put their arm up and bow their head down, and then started laughing. Tiffany did the 'manner armpit' move (Jessica-Tiffany do it about halfway through, ~2:00 in the MV) and laughed. They said the choreography is really hard.. Seohyun said, “Isn't it fun? I think it's fun,” and did the part where you lift your arm and bow your head again.
16. Taeyeon said, “The songs on our second official Japanese album are really good! All of us really like it.” She said all the members liked the songs on their second Japanese album.. Tiffany said she's right, that it's really good, and that she keeps listening to it lately because it's so good. Seohyun also said it's the best.
17. A fan asked if they were going to take pictures today. Then they suggested taking pictures with Tiffany's pose. Taeyeon heard that, went over to where Seohyun and Tiffany were and said they should take a picture doing a pose from over there. So they took it doing that pose, the 'manner-armpit'.
18. While taking the pictures, because the fans were squirming, not being able to do it properly, after taking and looking at the picture, Taeyeon said to do it confidently and with a fighting spirit. She said, “Like this!” and showed how to put their arm up.
19. Seohyun was waving to the fans in the back row, and was looking at them for a while when she suddenly asked the fan up front, “Are these seats assigned on a first come first serve basis?” And then she asked if the fans standing were there because there aren't enough seats. When the fan said that's right, she pointed at the MC booth section and said, “It's because this spot is small..” and seemed sad. She kept waving at the fans sitting far away afterwards.
20. Taeyeon was also waving at fans who were far away, but she was waving politely, placing her free hand under the elbow of her other arm.
21. Before starting, Taeyeon came out first, and someone from far away yelled out, “Taeyeon!!” Because it was before the broadcast started, the studio was quiet, and Taeyeon replied, “What!” Then, there were a lot of voices calling out Taeyeon around the studio, and Taeyeon said, “Why are you speaking informally!!!” (informally, as in just calling out her name rather than the more polite 'taeyeon-sshi' or something)
22. When Tiffany started greeting fans far away, too, the fans started waving their pink [light] sticks. Then Tiffany said, “I want to wave something, too,” and started waving her script.
23. Taeyeon put the script on her hand and was playing around, hitting it up in the air, and she dropped it a couple times.
24. While doing their lines, Taeyeon suddenly did the 'fantastic!' dance, and kept dancing even after they were done. Tiffany was laughing and was said, “Fantastic!” while walking back. Taeyeon and Seohyun were doing the fantastic dance, and then started doing the crayon shin-chan-like dances, too. I think that dance also came on some CF, but I'm not sure. They looked at the fans asking, “Do you know this? Fantastic!” and kept dancing. (this part on MuCore-- http://bit.ly/PuW9bh ..originally from this CF-- http://bit.ly/VKI9Im)
25. They were even dancing fantastic~ fantastic~ to 'Nilliri Mambo'. Seohyun also followed along to the 'Nilliri Mambo' choreography.
26. They were still doing the fantastic~ fantastic~ dance during 'Look At Me', and, at first, Taeyeon said it was offbeat, so she was dancing slowly, but it was just right when the 'look at me' part came up. Her and Seohyun were excited and did the fantastic~ fantastic~ dance together, at the same time, whenever the 'look at me' part came up. The writer unnie and staff all burst out laughing. Seohyun told Tiffany to get up and do it with them, but Tiffany didn't get up. Taeyeon and Seohyun did the fantastic dance and crayon shin-chan-like dance together, as if they'd practiced beforehand, and they stopped in-sync, too.
27. When Taeyeon does the fantastic dance, she tries not to move her torso at all while bending her knee, and dances moving her shoulder as little as she can. And her dancing must have been funny because she really broke into a fit of laughter.
28. After Taeyeon started laughing a lot while doing the fantastic dance, she asked Seohyun if she know something, and Seohyun said she doesn't. She said to Tiffany, 'that thing', laughed, and started doing the S-Line Condensing dance (http://bit.ly/TCBjHk). She asked the fans if they knew it and burst out laughing and laughed for a while by herself. Saying 'Cha Inpyo (guy in the CF)' while laughing. She said it's really funny, that it's the best, and kept doing the dance. She was laughing by herself for a while, holding her stomach.
29. Seohyun and Taeyeon kept following along to the dance during Ailee's stage. It was prerecorded, so they greeted Ailee in between.
30. Halfway through, the girls were looking at the monitor, but it turned off all of a sudden. Tiffany and Seohyun were watching the performance through the monitor, but when it suddenly turned off, Seohyun went, “Yahp!” as if casting a spell. The writer unnie plugged a cable in the back again, and it came on well again.
31. The girls saying their lines was shown on the largest monitor above the stage once. Later when the girls were done, the writer unnie explained it to them, and the girls thought it was an accident. Seohyun's eyes got big and she went, “What's wrong? X4”
32. During the broadcast, Tiffany said it was hot, so Seohyun, who was standing next to her, fanned Tiffany with her script. Taeyeon saw and came and fanned her from the side, too, and Tiffany sat getting fanned like the oldest unnie. Seohyun played around fanning her fast and slow. The PD suddenly came over to the girls and fanned Tiffany, too. Tiffany bowed saying 'thank you', and said to she said it's Seohyun's fault. Then, Seohyun started fanning her script in the direction of the PD.
33. Seohyun said to the fans who were near the corner, “You can't see the stage, right?” When the fans said they're only looking at her, she said, “You're only looking at me?” and ducked. She tried following along to dances watching the monitor. But then B.A.P was about to perform. Seohyun looked like she was stumped, and she said, “I don't know this dance. What do I do?”
34. The next song after B.A.P was miss A, and she danced with much effort. She told Tiffany to dance with her for this song, too, but Tiffany didn't. At one point, Taeyeon was dancing too, so Seohyun and Taeyeon danced together again. During the finger dance at the 'I don't need a man' part, Taeyeon was really excited and followed along. Seohyun was dancing to show the fans at first, but she kept getting sucked into the monitor. She was dancing along while watching the monitor, enthusiastically. The two ended up dancing to another song from start to finish like that again. Seohyun liked doing the 'what?' 'really?' 'seriously?' part a lot. When it was over, they clapped.
35. When 'Ice Cream' was about to come up, Taeyeon said 'Ice Cream' is going to be on, and put her fist under Seohyun's chin. That was the ice cream. Seohyun's head is the ice cream, and Taeyeon's fist is the cone. They were putting their fists under each others chins, saying they're ice cream.
36. Taeyeon and Seohyun were following along to the 'hands in the air' part in 'Ice Cream', but Taeyeon said that she thinks she would look like an ahjumma (middle-aged woman) doing it, so she stopped dancing.
37. When K.will came on stage, the girls waved both their arms in the air, cheering him on. They copied how he sings and his facial expressions. Taeyeon started yelling either K.will or her own name along with the fan chant. Then, she pointed at Tiffany and said, “Hwang, Mi, Young!”
38. Even when they went to go do their last lines, they imitated his singing and facial expressions.
39. After doing their last lines, they said their goodbyes to all the fans, making hearts, too, telling them to be careful to not get sick, and exited. Seohyun was busy trying to say goodbye to all parts of the audience. Greeting/farewell queen.
40. During the show, Seohyun said she was totally full to Taeyeon, and Taeyeon said she is, too. That they ate a lot of this and that. 

source: Here
Trans by: @

Program Delphi

Deklarasi variabel adalah tanda pengenal dalam Delphi yang mempunyai nilai yang selalu berubah selama proses berjalan. Devinisi variabel diawali dengan kata baku Var diikuti dengan kumpulan identifier yang diikuti dengan tipe data yang dibutuhkan.

Var a : integer;

Aturan yang harus diikuti dalam menuliskan nama variabel:
  1. Panjang penulisan nama variabel maksimum terdiri dari 63 karakter. Jika melebihi ketentuan maka kompiler akan mengabaikan penulisan karakter berikutnya.
  2. Penulisan nama variabel hanya terdiri dari huruf, angka, garis bawah.
  3. Penulisan nama variabel tidak boleh diawali dengan angka, hanya dengan huruf atau garis bawah.
  4. Nama variabel tidak boleh merupakan sebuah kata kunci milik Delphi seperti case, if, while, end, dan lain-lain.
  5. Nama variabel tidak boleh mengandung karakter yang dipakai untuk operator, seperti (, ), +, -, *, /, <, >, :, ;, dan lain-lain.

Konstanta merupakan suatu nilai yang bersifat tetap. Jenis data untuk suatu nilai konstanta dapat berupa data angka (numeric), teks (string), true, false, dan nil. Anda dapat menggunakan suatu nama untuk mewakili konstanta.
Definisi Konstanta diawali dengan kata baku Const diikuti dengan kumpulan identifier yang diberi sebuah nilai.

Angka = 1;
Teks = ‘Satu’;

source: silvernie


Case Of merupakan bentuk percabangan yang membandingkan suatu variabel dengan beberapa value atau nilai yang berasal dari variabel tersebut.

Bentuk dasar dari percabangan Case Of adalah sebagai berikut:

Case <variabel> Of

source: Percabangan Pada Delphi


27 July, 2012

[Video+Photo] SNSD Tiffany - CeCi For Ipad



[DOWNLOAD] by jankonized 16 Photo
[DOWNLOAD] by DC Tiffany 8 Photo


[Official CeCi TV] SNSD Tiffany - Behind the Scenes

[Interview] Tiffany @ CeCi for iPad (Full)
